Customer Sales Billing

Use Customer billing to create bills for sales that weren't paid upon purchase.

HINT-- Customer billing is a very useful part of the Goldenseal accounting software.

Customer Billing BASICS
       When to Use | Setup | Billing

       Draw Schedules | Progress Payments | Time and Materials | Allowances | Change Orders | Rentals

Website Info Links
       Accounting Software | Accounts Receivable Software | Bookkeeping Software | Point of Sale Software

       Billing commands | Billing Records | Customer accounts | Depositing Funds | Sales

When to use Customer Sales Billing

Use customer billing when you sell items to a customer or provide them with services, and don't get paid immediately.

Customer Billing Setup

Follow these steps to set up for customer billing:

  1. Create a Customer account for the person or business who is paying you for the work.
  2. Create Customer Payment Terms, and assign them to each customer.
  3. Create a Sale transaction for the items or services which you sold to the customer.
  4. In the Payment Method field, enter a billed payment method.

Sales Bills

To create bills for several customers, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Billing from Bank menu, and choose Sales from the submenu.
  2. Select the customers that are ready to bill now, and click the Create Bills button.
  3. Goldenseal will create Billing Records with a Sales breakdown that itemizes the unpaid sales for each customer.
To create a bill for all sales from a single customer, follow these steps:
  1. Choose Billing Records from the Bank menu.
  2. Click the New button, or choose New Record from the Edit menu.
  3. Enter Customer into the Account Type popup menu.
  4. Enter a customer into the Account field.
  5. Enter Sales into the Breakdown popup menu.
  6. Goldenseal will automatically fill in a list of all unpaid sales for this customer.

Enter the following information in each column of a sales billing record:

Bill-- Turn on the checkmark to bill for this sale now.
Ref Number-- Goldenseal fills in the reference number for each sale.
Description-- Goldenseal fills in a description for each sale.
Date-- Goldenseal fills in the date of each sale.
Bill Date-- Goldenseal fills in the billing date of each sale.
Amount-- Goldenseal fills in the amount of each sale.
Previously Paid-- Goldenseal fills the amount already paid for each sale.
Adjustment-- Enter any discounts or finance charges for each sale.
Amount Due-- Goldenseal calculates the amount currently due for each sale.

Printed Bill Statements

To print a billing statement for a customer, choose Print Form from the File menu, then choose Billing Statement in the Form Type field.

Itemized Sales

To find and print the Sales transactions covered by a customer bill, follow these steps:

  1. Choose billing records from the Bank menu.
  2. Find the record that lists the sales you'd like to include.
  3. Choose Detail Transactions from the View menu.
  4. Goldenseal will open the Sale transaction window and show the listed transactions in the found set.
  5. To print the invoices, choose Print Form from the File menu, choose Billing Invoice in the Form Type field, and choose Found Records in the Record Range field.