Copying Files with Win98
Moving Files with Win98
Duplicating Files in Goldenseal business
management software with Windows 98
Win98 makes it harder to find the Copy To
Folder or Move To Folder commands.
It also doesn't do drag-to-move like the Mac.
NOTE-- The Copy to Folder command seems to be accessible
again in Win XP and Win Vista.
To move a copy of a file, do the following.
1. Click on the file icon.
2. Choose Copy from the Edit menu.
3. Navigate to the new location.
4. Choose Paste from the Edit menu.
To move a file completely, do the following.
1. Move a copy of the file (see steps above).
2. Go back and click on the original.
3. Choose Delete from the File menu.
NOTE-- you can also cut/paste similar to the steps above, but it's a bit riskier.
To make
a duplicate copy of a file, do the following.
1. Click on the file icon.
2. Choose Copy from the Edit menu.
3. Choose Paste from the Edit menu.
4. Click on the copy and choose Rename from the File menu to rename it.
If they drag a file from a CD to the hard disk, it will still be "read only". To fix
1. Click on the file icon on the hard drive.
2. Choose Properties from the File menu.
3. Turn off the Read Only checkbox, then click OK.
Entered 9/14/04 by Dennis. Updated 11/3/2010.