Item Discounts

The Item Discount list sets up discounts for different groups of Cost Items.

HINT-- You'll only use Item Discounts if you use the Goldenseal accounting software for direct sales to customers who get a discount on some items.

       Entering Item Discounts | Data Fields | Using the Discount Table
       Linking with Customer Discounts | Using Item Discounts

Website Info Links
       Accounting Software | Accounts Receivable Software | Bookkeeping Software | Point of Sale Software

       Cost Items | Customer Accounts | Customer Discounts | Sales

Entering Item Discounts

To enter an Item Discount, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Income Setup from the Income menu, then choose Item Discounts from the submenu.
  2. Click the New button, or click on an existing item and click the Edit button.
  3. Enter details for the discount.

Data Fields

Enter the following information for each Item Discount:

Name-- Enter a brief name for the branch.
Description-- Enter any comments you have about this discount.
Discounts-- For each customer discount class, enter the discount that will be offered on this type of item.
Discount Table-- Enter discount percentages for each customer discount listed in the table.

Using the Discount Table

The Item Discount table shows each Customer Discount, which covers a group of customers that all get the same discount.

Next to each item, type in the discount that each group of customers will get when they purchase items that have this as an item discount.

Linking with Customer Discounts

Item Discounts are used in combination with Customer Discounts-- you will need to have at least one on each, if you offer discounts on sales.

If you offer different discounts to different classes of customers, create a Customer Discount for each class. If you offer different discounts on different types of items sold, create an Item Discount for each type. You can enter a different discount amount on each combination of customer and item discount.

HINT-- Lumberyards, paint and hardware stores, and other retail businesses with repeat customers can set up a "grid" with several customer and item discounts.

Using Item Discounts

To assign an Item Discount to a Cost Item, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Cost Items from the Costs menu.
  2. Find the cost item.
  3. Enter the discount into the Discount field.

Goldenseal automatically calculates the discount amount when you enter a Cost Item into an Item breakdown in a Sales transaction.