Garage Block Foundation Cost


Masonry construction cost for garage foundations or stem walls built from 8" concrete blocks or cinder blocks.

Unit Size

One square foot.

Labor Costs

We figure about 12 square feet of wall per hour of mason time (about 15 blocks laid), plus one laborer hour for every 40 square feet of blocks installed.

Material Costs

For one square foot it takes 1.125 blocks plus about 8% waste factor. We also include some mortar materials, and reminders for the tools that are required.

Suggested Quantity

Goldenseal suggests the garage perimeter-- which works for a one-course wall built on a monolithic garage slab. For a stem wall, multiply the perimeter by the height of the wall.

Source of Construction Pricing

Based on timing and job cost data from masonry projects done by Turtle Creek Construction.

Places Included

Architect Starter File, Construction Starter File, Developer Starter File


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