Category Colors


Starting with Goldenseal construction estimating software version 4.6, you can color the rows in an Estimate breakdown, with different colors for each category.

NOTE-- Goldenseal now includes a custom color palette that is optimized for text and backgrounds.

Suggested By

Turtlesoft staff.

How to Use

To turn on the display of color for each category, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Preferences from the Options menu, and choose Interface from the submenu.
  2. Turn on the checkbox for Tables Use Category Colors, in the Estimating Display section.
  3. Click OK.

If you'd like to change the color for any category, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Category Setup from the Costs menu, and choose Cost Categories from the submenu.
  2. Select a category, and click the Edit button.
  3. Click in the box next to Table Background Color, and hold down the mouse button.
  4. You'll see a popup color palette. Select a color, then lift the mouse button.
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for the Table Text Color. HINT-- Use a dark color for text, and a light color for background.
  6. Click OK to save changes in the Category.

To import pre-set colors for the basic construction categories in Goldenseal, follow these steps:

  1. Make a backup copy of your company file, so you can revert if you have problems with the import. .
  2. Click the link for the category colors download file, and save it onto your hard drive.
  3. If your browser does not automatically decompress the zip file, use Stuffit Expander or WinZip to expand it.
  4. Open your Goldenseal file.
  5. Choose Import from the File menu, and choose One List Class from the submenu.
  6. Enter Categories as the class to import, and Update Existing Items Only as the action. Click OK.
  7. You'll be asked to choose a file. Locate the Category-Colors.txt file you just downloaded, and click Open.
  8. You'll see an Import Order dialog. Drag the rows on the right side so the first three rows import into Object ID, Field Background Color and Field Text Color. Turn off the other rows so they don't import.
  9. Click the Import button. Goldenseal will import color data for the categories.

Technical Details

Programmer note-- CTCS_Table::DrawCellWithText and elsewhere .