Estimating Table Percentages

Can I see a percentage breakdown for each line item in an estimate?

Starting with Goldenseal estimating software version 2.6, you can add an optional column that shows a percentage for each line item in an estimate (or any other transaction that shows a breakdown table).

To add it, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Custom Layouts from the Options menu, and choose Transactions from the submenu.
  2. Enter Estimates (or some other class) into the Transaction popup field at upper left.
  3. Enter Category or Items into the Layout popup field.
  4. Click in the breakdown table.
  5. Choose Add Column to Table from the Edit menu.
  6. Select Percent of Total from the list, and click OK.

The column will show the percentage for each line item-- calculated by dividing the line item total by the total amount for the entire transaction.

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