Painting Unit Costs

Painting costs for Goldenseal construction estimating software. This category includes paint removal, paint preparation, interior painting and exterior painting.

These costs are designed primarily for residential and light commercial construction estimating for remodeling and new construction.

HINT-- Use the job costing in Goldenseal construction accounting software to compare actual painting costs against your estimates. It will improve the accuracy of your painting project estimates.

Prep Work

Goldenseal estimating software includes 9 assemblies for interior and exterior prep work before painting

INTerior Painting

Goldenseal estimating software includes 28 assemblies for interior painting of trim, walls, ceilings and other surfaces


ExTerior PAinting

Goldenseal estimating software includes 17 assemblies for exterior painting of siding, exterior trim, and other surfaces

Other painting

Goldenseal estimating software includes 8 assemblies for painting of miscellaneous surfaces