Band Joist Framing Cost


Construction estimating unit cost for band joist framing around the perimeter of a floor.

Unit Size

One lineal foot of band joists.

Labor Costs

We figure that a skilled carpenter can install about 50 lineal feet of band joists per hour, with some help from an unskilled laborer.

Material Costs

2 feet of 2x10 lumber per foot, with a 12% waste factor.

NOTE-- We just use one lumber size on this item. If you want precise material takeoffs, you might want to duplicate this assembly a few times and add different band joist assemblies for 2x6, 2x8 and 2x12 framing sizes.

Suggested Quantity

Total perimeter of all upper story walls.

NOTE-- on large, simple projects with nothing but straight runs of framing, the additional lumber built into the floor joist and floor truss assemblies may be sufficient to cover the band joist framing costs. On smaller or more complex projects, it's a good idea to include this assembly in addition to the standard floor framing cost.

Source of Construction Pricing

We timed our crew very closely on one job and came up with this number. It seemed to predict costs pretty well for subsequent project estimates and job costing.

Places Included

Architect Starter File, Construction Starter File, Developer Starter File, Framing Starter File.


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